Rules and Regulation

Please ensure that you read this document in detail. Those who fail to abide to these Rules and Regulations
may result in score penalty or disqualification. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English
and Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
Classical Variation List is now updated to version 4.5

古典芭蕾舞劇目選段列表更新至版本 4.5

Table of Content

1. Divisions

2. Content

  • 2.1 Competition Content 
  • 2.2 Limitation

3. Registration and Entry 

  • 3.1 Online Registration 
  • 3.2 Registration Fee 
  • 3.3 Entry Information 
  • 3.4 Music
    • 3.4.1 Ballet Solo 
    • 3.4.2 Contemporary Solo, Pas de deux, Duo/Trio and Ensemble 
  • 3.5 Competition Check-in 
  • 3.6 Awards Ceremony 

4. Scoring 

  • 4.1 Computation 
  • 4.2 Preliminary / Final 
  • 4.3 Final Ranking 
  • 4.4 Appeal 

5. Awards & Scholarships 

  • 5.1 Ballet Solo and Contemporary Solo
    • 5.1.1 Awards 
      Within each Age Division 
      Among all Ballet Soloists and Contemporary Soloists respectively 
    • 5.1.2 Scholarships 
  • 5.2 Pas de deux 
  • 5.3 Duo/Trio 
  • 5.4 Ensemble 

6. General Regulations

1. Divisions

● Divisions are computed based on age as at the first date of competition/workshop. See information
page for exact date.
● Participation in more than one entry will not affect results in each of them.
● SCDIBC reserves the right to make changes or combine divisions if pertinent.

2. Content

2.1 Competition Content

2.2 Limitation

● Please be reminded that use of pointe shoes is NOT allowed in Ballet Solo Divisions TO, PA1, PA2 as
well as Contemporary Solo Division CK. Failure to abide to this rule will result in DISQUALIFICATION.
● Only JB and SN divisions are compulsory to perform with pointe shoes.

3. Registration and Entry

3.1 Online Registration

● Competitor must submit online application form within the specified date. Late registration may not be
accepted. If successful, applicants will be charged an administrative fee of S$80 in addition to the
registration fee.
● Please ensure that all information you provided during registration is accurate. Should you need to
make any changes, kindly inform us as soon as possible.

3.2 Registration Fee
● There is NO REFUND for registration fees for ANY reason. If you encounter any injury that prevents
you from participating in the competition and a relevant medical certificate is presented, your
registration fee for this competition will be held under your name for 1 year until the next competition.

3.3 Entry Information
● You will receive an email with your Entry Information which details your entry number, schedule,
instructions on music selection / submission, ticketing information etc.
● Entry Information may be sent out in batches that some of you may receive this information earlier than
● Please make sure to quote your entry number in your enquiries.

3.4 Music

3.4.1 Ballet Solo
● You DO NOT have to submit your own music.
● You will receive an Entry Information document which also grants you access to a database (Classical Variation List version

● You will have to select your variation and track to be used by submitting Music Selection /
Submission Form within specific date. Late selection or any changes made after submission will
result in an administrative charge of S$80.
● Instructions will be announced in the Entry Information document.

3.4.2 Contemporary Solo, Pas de deux, Duo/Trio and Ensemble
● You will have to submit your performance music by submitting Music Selection / Submission Form
within specific date. Late submission or any changes made after submission will result in an
administrative charge of S$80.
● Instructions will be announced in the Entry Information document.

3.5 Competition Check-in
● Competitor must arrive at the check-in counter only during the designated time slot (do NOT come
early or late) with your entry and identification document).
● Any change of information, including competitor information and music, during checking will result in an
administrative charge of S$80.

3.6 Awards Ceremony
● All competitors are invited to participate in the award ceremony.
● Be remembered to arrive at the designated place on time according to the schedule.
● Participants may also be invited to perform their entries at the award ceremony. Please
pay attention to the announcements and emails.

4. Scoring

4.1 Computation
● If the number of judges in a round is 4 or below, final scores are computed as an average of all scores.
● If the number of judges in a round is 5 or above, final scores are computed as average of scores after
eliminating the highest and lowest scores.

4.2 Entry into the Final Round

Only applicable to Ballet Solo – PA2, PB, JA, JB, SN.
● Entry into the Final Round is based on the preliminary ranking of each piece. Only one piece with the highest score from the preliminary round will be entering the final round.
● Example: The same competitor performs 3 different classical pieces – Piece A, B and C in the Preliminary Round. The rankings in the preliminary round were 1, 7 and 14 respectively. Only the top 10 pieces went into the Final Round. So, she will only have to perform Pieces A in the Final Round.
● After preliminary competitions, entry numbers of finalists will be posted on our Facebook page,
Instagram and announce board outside the auditorium.
● The number of finalists will be determined by the judging panel of the preliminary round. The jury also has the right to determine the number of finalists to be zero.

4.3 Final Ranking
● The Committee reserves the right to make final decisions on the ranking.
● The final score will be used to compute the ranking.

4.4 Appeal
● If you have any questions or doubts about your score, please email to
to make a formal appeal. Please do not contact individual personnel of the competition in person or
through other channels to ensure fairness and confidentiality.
● The competition is conducted in a fair and equitable manner and is based solely on value; all
competition results are finalized by the judges. The committee will fully trust and will not question the
decisions of the judges.

5. Awards & Scholarships

The adjudication panel reserves the right to not award all scholarships and prizes, and to split any award
between more than one competitors.

5.1 Ballet Solo and Contemporary Solo

5.1.1 Awards
Within each Age Division
● Gold, Silver and Bronze medals
● Ranking certificates, depending on the total number of competitors in each division
● Jury Encouragement Awards
Among all Ballet Soloists and Contemporary Soloists respectively
● Outstanding Performance Award
● Outstanding Female Award
● Outstanding Male Award

5.1.2 Scholarships
● The adjudication panel reserves the right to not award all scholarships.
● Scholarship recipients will receive an email notification within one month after the end of the

5.2 Pas de deux 
● Gold, Silver and Bronze medals

5.3 Duo/Trio 
● 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place medals
● 4th and 5th Place certificates

5.4 Ensemble 
● 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place trophies
● 4th and 5th Place certificates
● Best Creative Award
● Best Costume Award
● Group Spirit Award
● Outstanding Performance Award
● Best Award Choreography
● Outstanding Choreography

6. General Regulations

● SCDIBC reserves the right to make changes on the competition date, time and venue if pertinent.
● SCDIBC, upon its own discretion, has the right to reject any registration.
● SCDIBC, or its hosting venues, are not responsible for any damage, injury or loss during the
● Photography and videography are PROHIBITED in the competition venue at all times.
● SCDIBC reserves the right to use any photos or video recordings of participants during the competition
for promotional purposes.
● Smoking is PROHIBITED in the competition venue at all times.




1. 組別 

2. 內容 

  • 2.1 比賽內容
  • 2.2 限制

3. 報名及參賽

  • 3.1 網上報名
  • 3.2 報名費用
  • 3.3 參賽資料
  • 3.4 音樂
    • 3.4.1 芭蕾獨舞
    • 3.4.2 當代獨舞、雙人舞、二人舞/三人舞、群舞 
  • 3.5 比賽報到
  • 3.6 頒獎典禮

4. 評分

  • 4.1 計算
  • 4.2 初賽/決賽
  • 4.3 最終排名
  • 4.4 上訴 

5. 獎項及獎學金

  • 5.1 芭蕾獨舞及當代獨舞
    • 5.1.1 獎項
    • 5.1.2 獎學金
  • 5.2 雙人舞
  • 5.3 二人舞/三人舞 
  • 5.4 群舞

6. 一般規定

1. 組別

● 組別以第一天比賽/或工作坊當日的年齡計算,確實日期參閲資訊網頁。
● 同時參與不同項目不會影響每個項目的分數。
● 迦南之星國際芭蕾舞大賽保留更改或合並組別的權利。

2. 內容

2.1 比賽內容

2.2 限制

● 請注意,芭蕾獨舞TO、PA1、PA2組及當代獨舞CK組不可穿著足尖鞋。違反此規定之參賽者將會被取消
● 只有 JB 和 SN 組必須穿著足尖鞋比賽。

3. 報名及參賽

3.1 網上報名
● 參賽者必須於指定日期內遞交網上報名表。逾期報名可能不獲接受,如成功,報名者可能被收取
● 報名後你會獲得一個報名編號。查詢時,請注明此報名編號。
● 請確認你報名時提供的資料正確無誤。如需更改,請盡快通知我們。

3.2 報名費用
● 大賽不接受以任何理由申請退款。如報名後遇傷患情況未能參賽,請遞交相關的醫生證明書。

3.3 參賽資料
● 你將會以電郵收到參賽資料,包括參賽編號、時間表、選取/遞交音樂方式、門票、等等。
● 參賽資料以批量發送,所以參賽者會在不同日子收到參賽資料。
● 查詢時,請注明你的參賽編號。

3.4 音樂

3.4.1 芭蕾獨舞
● 不需要遞交音樂。
● 你會收到參賽資料,並存取大會的音樂庫 (變奏音樂版本4.5)。

● 必須於指定日期內使用音樂選擇/遞交表格遞交變奏音樂。延期選取或任何改動將被收取S$80行政費。
● 選取變奏音樂之指示將於參賽資料中公佈。

3.4.2 當代獨舞、雙人舞、二人舞/三人舞、群舞
● 必須於指定日期內使用音樂選擇/遞交表格遞交演出音樂。延期選取或任何改動將被收取S$80行政費。
● 選取變奏音樂之指示將於參賽資料中公佈。

3.5 比賽報到
● 參賽者必須於指定時間內到達登記處(不要早到或遲到),並出示參賽編號及身份證明文件。
● 任何資料更改,包括參賽者資料及音樂,將被收取S$80行政費。

3.6 頒獎典禮
● 所有參賽者被邀請參與頒獎典禮。
● 僅記根據日程表準時到達指定地點。
● 參賽者亦可能會被邀請在頒獎典禮中表演參賽作品。請留意大會公告及電郵。

4. 評分

4.1 計算
● 如該場比賽之評委數目為4或以下,總分為所有評委分數之平均值。
● 如該場比賽之評委數目為5或以上,總分為所有評委分數減去最高及最低分數後之平均值。

4.2 初賽/決賽
● 比賽不設初賽,每場比賽均屬於決賽。

4.3 最終排名
● 大會保留對排名作出最終決定的權利。
● 以決賽中得分作排名。

4.4 上訴
● 如果您對分數有任何問題或質疑,請透過電郵至canaandancesg@gmail.com作出正式上訴。請不要
● 大賽以公平公正方式進行,並完全基於價值;所有比賽結果均以評委作最終決定。大會將完全信任及不

5. 獎項及獎學金


5.1 芭蕾獨舞及當代獨舞

5.1.1 獎項

5.1.2 獎學金
● 評委保留不頒授所有獎學金的權利。
● 獎學金得獎者將於比賽結束後一個月內收到電郵通知。

5.2 雙人舞

5.3 二人舞/三人舞

5.4 群舞

6. 一般規定

● 迦南之星國際芭蕾舞大賽保留更改比賽日期、時間及場地的權利。
● 迦南之星國際芭蕾舞大賽享有最終決定權,有權拒絕任何報名申請。
● 迦南之星國際芭蕾舞大賽或其舉辦的場地,並不承擔於大賽期間造成的任何損害、受傷或損失的責任。
● 大賽場所內任何時間嚴禁攝影及錄影。
● 迦南之星國際芭蕾舞大賽保留使用參賽者在比賽期間的照片或影片的權利,以作宣傳推廣之用。
● 大賽場所內任何時間嚴禁吸煙。